9 month old agressive pitbull/mastiff mix
by Courtney
(New Jersey)
From Courtney...
I have a 9 month old Pitbull/Mastiff mix and a 3 year old Chihuahua. We got the the puppy when he was 7 weeks old and the 2 have always gotten along well together.
A week ago the puppy attacked my Chihuahua and had her by the neck. He never bit her but almost strangled her. We're not sure at all why or what happened that he would go after her.
Now they are separated, but they cry for each other. I'm too scared to let them be near each other. Why would he have attacked her?
Shannon Says...

Hello Courtney,
Thanks for your question. In any case of aggression, I always recommend getting a professional
balanced trainer in your area to give you hands-on help.
Aggression is not something you want to try to solve with trial-and-error on your own.
You've done the right thing by keeping them separated for now. Aggression doesn't usually show itself until the puppy starts to reach physical maturity, between 9 and 12 months old.
Every case is different though, so it's hard for me to give you a definite answer to your question without seeing your puppy.
There are many different factors and stress points that can play into why a dog will bite. While breeding can definitely affect a dog's actions and behaviors (a beagle that barks excessively, a terrier that digs, etc.), I am not one to blame aggression on any specific breed of dog.
If you have not already done so, be sure to obedience train your puppy - up to and including advanced level and off-leash control. This will help to establish you as the dominant one of the household.
Another suggestion is to get yourself a small boat air horn that fits in your hand. Should you run into another situation like that, press and hold the button on the horn for 3 to 5 seconds.
It's very loud, and should startle the puppy out of the behavior, which will give you the opportunity to separate them.
Again, sorry I can't be of more help! Find a trainer near you to help troubleshoot the problem more thoroughly.